Amelia’s Story

Amelia's Donor Story

Images used in our donor stories are for illustrative purposes.This is to protect the privacy and anonymity of those who generously donate eggs.

Tell us a bit about yourself, who you are as a person?

I am a very caring and loving person who likes to take care of others. I always put other people’s needs first, especially my children. I can be very shy and don’t like big crowds. I prefer a night in over a night out, and I love spending my time with family and friends.

How did you hear about egg donation? 

I initially saw an advertisement post on Facebook, and I thought about it a lot after. Then about six months I contacted the clinic and got the ball rolling.

Why did you choose to donate with us?

I did a lot of research on egg donation before choosing a clinic, I found a lot of my questions answered were on the Egg Donors UK website, and it was really helpful, and it was the closest clinic for me.

What did you enjoy most about donating?

I was under full sedation for my first donation, so I most enjoyed being told how many eggs had been collected; they got ten this time.

Then my second donation, I was awake*, and it was truly amazing to watch the procedure take place and then be told they had collected 16 eggs was wonderful.

* Our egg collection procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic and oral sedation.

Is there anything that you would say to your recipient?

I am truly happy that I can help make your dreams come true. I have a nephew born through donation, and so I know first-hand the impact that someone‚ as a donation can do on a family in need. Everyone deserves the chance of a family, and I’m so grateful that I was in a position to be able to help.

Did you get the care you needed every step of the way?

I definitely received all the care I needed. Everything was explained in detail, even down to showing me the correct way to self-inject the hormones, which I was quite nervous about as I had a needle phobia. Still, I can safely say I’m well over the fear of needles from now on as it was really easy to master.

Would you donate with us again, if yes, please say why?

I would 100% donate again. I loved the experience, and I love the feeling of knowing I’m helping those in need. The staff were brilliant, kind and helpful. They kept me calm. All in all, it was a wonderful and interesting experience for me.

What advice would you give to anyone considering becoming a donor?

Do it! It’s such a rewarding feeling that you get from it, and it’s something that not many people can do, your physically giving others the chance to have a family of their own; what else could possibly be more rewarding than that!

Is there anything additional you would like to share with us?

Your team is amazing! The number of lives you must change by doing what you do is incredible, and I am proud to have helped with that not once but twice.

Feeling inspired?

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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