Ellie’s Story

Images used in our donor stories are for illustrative purposes.This is to protect the privacy and anonymity of those who generously donate eggs.

Tell us a bit about yourself, who you are as a person?

I'm a very outgoing & caring person. I always put others first, especially my family. I work with young children and love helping them to learn and grow.

How did you hear about egg donation? 

Unfortunately, a very close family member struggled to start a family of their own & I wanted to help them in any way I could, so I began to look into various clinics.

Egg Donors UK stood out the most for me, not only because of their efficiency in responding to any questions/concerns I had but because of their warm and friendly staff, who honestly could not do enough for me. The staff here are amazing at their jobs. They made me feel like family!            

What did you enjoy most about donating?         

The whole process was very straightforward from start to finish. The egg donation team always made sure I was ok and had all the information I needed. Giving someone a chance at having a family of their own is priceless and knowing that I can help is something you cannot put a price on.

Is there anything that you would say to your recipient?

I truly wish you all the best and hope your dreams come true; knowing that you have chosen me as part of your journey to start your own family is something I will treasure forever. Thank you!   

Did you get the care you needed every step of the way?

Absolutely, every step of the way. I really cannot express how amazing Egg Donors UK are!       

Would you donate with us again, if yes, please say why?

Yes. Knowing that I can help start a family and help someone's dreams come true is amazing.

What advice would you give to anyone considering becoming a donor?

Make sure you are doing it for the right reasons. The gift you are giving is priceless.

Feeling inspired?

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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