Frances’ Story

Frances' Donor Story

Images used in our donor stories are for illustrative purposes.This is to protect the privacy and anonymity of those who generously donate eggs.

Tell us a bit about yourself, who you are as a person?

I love anything outdoors. I grew up in a small village and still live there now with my partner and dog. We enjoy anything outdoors; whether it be hiking, swimming in the lakes, paddle boarding, wild camping or biking, anything outdoors makes me happy. I am a support worker for children with disabilities and do reflexology. I am lucky to love both my jobs very much as they are rewarding to make people feel better. I have a close group of friends I have grown up with, and I am close with my family.

 How did you hear about egg donation?

I had decided that I didn't want a child of my own but felt that there are people out there who really do and may struggle. I did a bit of research and discovered egg donation. I listened to some podcasts, read articles etc. and really made sure it was something I wanted to do. I then decided to go for the first step of consultation and tests to see if I was eligible. After my first donation, I decided to go through with another donation.

Why did you choose to donate with us?

I live in a rural area, and there weren't many places nearby, so Manchester was one nearest. After some research and reading reviews, I felt comfortable and happy to choose Egg Donors UK.

What did you enjoy most about donating?

The email of saying I had a match. It was a good feeling to think someone had chosen me based on my profile without meeting me.

Is there anything that you would say to your recipient?

To just wish them a life of happiness and health

Did you get the care you needed every step of the way?

Yes, all the staff were amazing. I always felt so well looked after

Would you donate with us again, if yes, please say why?

I have already donated twice, and I was very pleased with the number of eggs retrieved. The whole process never put me off, though, and I enjoyed every step.

What advice would you give to anyone considering becoming a donor?

Enjoy the process and learning about your body and what it can achieve.

Feeling inspired?

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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