Sarah’s Story

Sarah's Donor Story

Images used in our donor stories are for illustrative purposes.This is to protect the privacy and anonymity of those who generously donate eggs.

Tell us a bit about yourself, who you are as a person?

I am a mum of two amazing children. They are my world. I’m very grateful for the life I have. I am always learning and growing, trying to be a better version of myself. I am very passionate about mental health, and if I have the ability to help someone, then I will. I want to help make the world a better place for my kids.

How did you hear about egg donation? 

I was watching something about sperm donation, and I thought I wonder what egg donation entails.

So, I searched the internet, and Manchester Fertility came up. After reading about the clinic and what egg donation involves, I thought about whether I could do this.

I remembered when I was younger, and all I wanted was to have children. If I were unable to have children myself, I would have been heartbroken. I remember the feeling of my baby moving inside my tummy, what a magical feeling that was, a feeling that I could possibly give to other women. I knew then it was something that I wanted to do.

Why did you choose to donate with us?

I read all about the clinic, and I thought it sounded like a really nice place. I wasn’t wrong. I would recommend it to anyone. The staff are lovely, and the place runs like clockwork.

What did you enjoy most about donating?

I loved the whole process, and I find it all very fascinating. I’m so grateful to be able to help.

Is there anything that you would say to your recipient?

Thank you for choosing me.

Did you get the care you needed every step of the way?

The care I received was excellent. Everyone is very attentive, and there is always someone there to help if needed.

Would you donate with us again, if yes, please say why?

I am just about to donate for the fourth time. I have to stop after this due to my age; however, if I could carry on donating, I would because as long as I have eggs, I have the chance to change someone’s life.

What advice would you give to anyone considering becoming a donor?

It is an amazing opportunity to help make someone’s dreams come true. The process is really easy with a great team of supportive professionals. I would not go anywhere else.

Feeling inspired?

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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