Lead Consultant Anaesthetist
Daniel is the lead anaesthetist, with eight years of experience providing procedural sedation for fertility-related procedures. He is responsible for our team of highly experienced anaesthetists, who provide sedation for procedures here at Egg Donors UK.
With a background in general and obstetric anaesthesia, Daniel also works within the NHS at St. Mary’s Hospital in Manchester as a Consultant Anaesthetist, a position he has held since 2001. Academically, he holds a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery and Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists qualifications.
“Of course, the technical skills anaesthetists have are important, so often, how we communicate with egg donors can make all the difference in helping them have a safe and comfortable journey. I find that very rewarding.”
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Manchester Fertility Services Ltd, trading as Egg Donors UK.
Egg Donors UK is the registered trademark of Manchester Fertility Services Ltd. Company #1902981
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