Medical Director
Dr Raj Mathur is a Consultant Gynaecologist with a long and established career in Reproductive Medicine. He is the senior fertility consultant, and as a resident doctor with our team, his expertise is utilised to help everyone who steps through our doors.
As the chair of the British Fertility Society (BFS) and an external advisor to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) Raj has a unique understanding of all aspects of fertility, including expertise in egg collection, which is the final stage of the egg donation journey.
He has specific expertise on Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome and is the author of national guidelines, as part of his work with the British Fertility Society is lead for Policy and Practices relating to the condition.
Donors who join our egg donor programme will receive the highest standards of care from Raj or a member of his team.
“Delivering effective and safe care to everyone who donates their eggs is at the forefront of our philosophy. Our egg donors provide an invaluable gift, offering hope and the possibility of life to hopeful parents.”
Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.
Manchester Fertility Services Ltd, trading as Egg Donors UK.
Egg Donors UK is the registered trademark of Manchester Fertility Services Ltd. Company #1902981
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