Fertility Counsellor
Vicky is a general and specialist infertility counsellor.
After completing her diploma, her own journey inspired her to take further training to specialise in fertility. She is an accredited member of BICA (British Infertility Counselling Association) and on the BICA executive committee.
Counselling is vital. It gives you a confidential, safe space and some support during a tough time. As a fertility counsellor, Vicky will provide compassionate support and guidance to individuals on their egg donation journey.
“I help donors navigate the myriad of emotions—from excitement and anticipation to uncertainty and apprehension—that come hand-in-hand with egg donation. Together, we explore the ethical and legal considerations, address concerns, and ensure that each individual feels empowered and supported at every step.”
Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.
Manchester Fertility Services Ltd, trading as Egg Donors UK.
Egg Donors UK is the registered trademark of Manchester Fertility Services Ltd. Company #1902981
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