5th October 2017

10 Things to Know About Donating Your Eggs

Egg Donation

Interested in being an egg donor? Here are 10 things to know about donating your eggs with Manchester Donors, and what to look out for when choosing an egg donation clinic:

Egg donation is strictly regulated in the UK.These strict rules govern things like egg donor criteria, screening and how many times your eggs can be used. The regulations are designed to protect everyone involved in your egg donation – you as the donor, the recipient who uses your eggs and the donor-conceived children they have.

Records are kept of your donation.The HFEA – the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority – which regulates donation and fertility treatments in the UK keeps a record of your donation, fertility treatments using your eggs and whether these result in pregnancy and birth. This is so they can ensure your eggs are used in accordance with the rules.

You’ll be educated, informed and counselled before donation happens.We’ll talk to you about exactly what egg donation involves and what to expect, including the rights of donor-conceived children to apply for information about you when they’re older. So you can decide if it’s really right for you.

You’ll be compensated for your time.You’ll receive £750 per donation cycle to cover expenses such as travelling to our clinic. If you’re already having IVF with us and wish to donate eggs, you can donate eggs as part of your IVF cycle through egg-sharing. Instead of expenses compensation, you’ll receive your IVF cycle at a heavily-reduced rate.

Egg donation is a safe process.Your egg donation journey is planned by one of our specialist fertility doctors. At Manchester Donors we’re interested in the quality – not quantity – of eggs you donate. We don’t use high stimulation drug regimes, and monitor you closely throughout your donation cycle to ensure your health and wellbeing at all times.

Donating eggs doesn’t reduce your own chances of pregnancy. Studies have shown future fertility isn’t affected by egg donation. But this doesn’t mean egg donation carries no risk, which we’ll always inform you about. At Manchester Donors, we very effectively reduce your risk of any complications through responsible egg donation and care.

You can find out if your donated eggs were successfully used.You’re entitled to find out if your donation has resulted in a baby for your recipient, the year the baby was born and its gender.

You’re only allowed to create 10 families.One of the regulations of egg donation is the 10-family limit. Your eggs can only be used to create a maximum of 10 separate families. There’s no limit within these families however, to give successful recipients the chance to use the same donor to have a sibling child.

You may be matched with a recipient before the donation process.You may be chosen as someone’s egg donor as soon as you’ve completed your personal donor profile. This means you and your recipient will undergo donation and fertility treatment at the same time. Or your donated eggs may be put in our donor egg bank, where they’re frozen ready to be used once you’re selected as a donor.

Choose your egg donation clinic carefully.Although all clinics that accept egg donors must abide by HFEA rules and regulations, you may find personal treatment and care is very different. Look for a clinic that has proven experience in egg donation and prioritises its donors. Manchester Fertility is one of the only fertility clinics in the UK to be named a National Gamete Donation Trust Centre of Excellence for our Manchester Donors programme, in recognition of the highest standards of care we give to our donors from the moment of application.

Egg donation in the North West

You can apply to be an egg donor with us no matter where you live; we welcome women from across the North West into our award-winning programme. See if you meet egg donor criteria, learn more about the process and read our blog resource.

If you’d like to apply, complete our simple, no obligation preliminary online application form and we’ll be in touch.


Egg Donation
Published:5th October 2017
Last updated:26th June 2024

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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