22nd February 2018

A Day at Manchester Donors: Inside Our Donor Egg Bank

Egg Donation

As a Centre of Excellence for egg donation in the UK, Manchester Donors is one of the busiest and most successful egg donor programmes in the country.

We welcome women from right across the North West who want to give the most personal gift of all – the hope of a baby to someone who can’t conceive.

Our Donor Programme Assistant, Sarah Rydzynski, reveals what goes on inside our egg donor bank day to day, so you can see how we work and learn more our donor-focused approach and exceptional donor care:

Assessing new egg donor applications

Checking new egg donor applications is a big part of daily life at Manchester Donors because we have women applying to donate to us every day from all walks of life, cultures and backgrounds.

Once you’ve applied online we check your form to see if you’re suitable to donate, based on the information you’ve provided. We’ll get in touch to let you know at this stage whether we can progress your application further. It’s always exciting to tell someone that they’ve met the initial criteria.

Informal egg donor appointments – exploring egg donation

We always like to have a personal sit down with women who are considering egg donation, so that’s why if you’re suitable to proceed we’ll invite you in for a chat about what egg donation involves. It’s all very relaxed, friendly and informal, and there’s no obligation or pressure. We all look forward to these discussions and meeting the wonderful women who really want to do something to help those with infertility.

Managing appointments

There are a lot of different and carefully-planned processes to egg donation, so we make sure all egg donor appointments run seamlessly and with the minimum disruption to the daily lives of our donors, providing personal support along the way.

We arrange things like your screening tests, doctor consultation – all donors are given consultant-led care - counselling and nursing appointments for medications, so everything happens when it should.

We always explain what’s going to happen next and are always available to answer any questions or queries.

Helping egg donors write profiles

All egg donors are asked to write a donor profile, but we know it can be tough to know what to say. So we’re on hand to help with that, so your profile really gets across who you are, your personality and all the brilliant, unique reasons you’re a great egg donor.

Once you’re happy with your profile, we’ll provide it to women who are looking for a donor just like you.

Matching egg donors

We aim to give recipient patients a choice of egg donor, so we do put a lot of effort into egg donor matching. Because we get to know our egg donors and the patients who need donor eggs really well, we’re best placed to match people together.

This added reassurance is great for women who need egg donors, because they have our personal insight as well as our detailed donor profiles to help them choose.

Giving the good news: Successful donor eggs treatment

If you want to know if your donated eggs resulted in pregnancy for someone, we’re able to tell you that, and also when the baby was born and its gender. There’s just no greater reward for us or for our egg donors – it’s what egg donation is all about.

Aged 18-35? Join Manchester Donors

If you’re aged 18-35, a non-smoker (or have quit at least three months ago) and are in good health with no history in your family of genetic or hereditary conditions, you could be an egg donor with Manchester Donors.

Take a look at our online application form to find out what we need to know, learn more about the egg donation process and read our FAQs. You can also chat with our team on 0161 300 2734 if you have any questions.

Egg Donation
Published:22nd February 2018
Last updated:26th June 2024

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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