15th June 2017

A First-Time Egg Donor's Story

Egg Donation

What’s it really like to donate your eggs? We asked one of our egg donors to anonymously share her experience, to help give insight to others who may be considering egg donation:

“I’d never really thought about donating my eggs until I saw something about it on Facebook. I honestly didn’t realise that women like me were needed.

“So I looked into it, to see what was involved. It seemed like a great thing to do, I was keen to make a difference if I could.

“I decided to go withManchester Fertilityand Manchester Donors because they seemed to be the most experienced. They hadwon an awardand I could see the clinic helped a lot of women to have children using donor eggs; thepatient storieswere so touching. There was a lot of detail on thewebsitetoo, all about egg donation, which was very reassuring.

Donation Team: Supportive and Caring

"I was so nervous at my first screening appointment but everyone was so friendly and relaxed, I was able to have a good chat with the clinic Donation team who answered all the questions I had. I never felt pressured at all, it was very much about me and ensuring I was ok and understood everything.

“The Donation team were really supportive throughout the whole process actually, especially when it came to writing my pen picture and goodwill message for my egg donor profile –that was a lot of fun! I didn’t really know what to say but they helped me to get across all my qualities, the great things about me that someone who needs donor eggs would want to know.

“And thecounsellorswere great too. Although they really made me think hard about whether donation was really right for me, I’m glad they went into so much detail, especially about being identifiable, because they raised things I hadn’t even thought about.

 Egg Donation Cycle: In Safe Hands

“When my donation cycle started, the Donation Team was really helpful. Nothing was too much trouble, they were always happy to clarify things for me and made me feel really comfortable and in safe hands, especially because I was so anxious about injecting myself and getting everything right!

“It was great to have support in theatre too during egg recovery, knowing I’d produced a good number of eggs was amazing. I have to thank the nurses who looked after me afterwards, they were so caring, I felt really proud of what I’d done.

“I’m now planning to have a baby myself, and this has honestly made me realise just how much egg donors are needed – and how hard it must be for those women who need donor eggs and what they must go through.

“Because at the end of the day, if I ever needed an egg donor, I would hope that someone would be kind enough to help me.”

Become an egg donor with Manchester Donors

If you’d like to donate eggs to Manchester Donors, browse our egg donation blog resource to find out more about what’s involved, learn about the process, egg donor criteria and read the answers to common egg donation FAQs.

As a National Gamete Donation Trust Centre of Excellence, you can be assured of first-class care throughout your egg donation journey. If you’d like to have a chat to our friendly Donation Team, you can contact us on 0161 300 2734. Or complete our initial online application form – there’s no obligation – and we’ll be in touch to advise if you can donate eggs.

Egg Donation
Published:15th June 2017
Last updated:26th June 2024

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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