30th July 2015

Asian egg donors needed now: Can you help?

Egg Donation

Are you an Asian woman aged 18-35? Then we urgently need your help.

We are currently treating many Asian women who have fertility issues, and who all need donor eggs to have a baby. Naturally, they would like to use donor eggs from women who share their ethnicity. 

So we’re asking for women in the Asian communities throughout Cheshire, Manchester and the North West to consider becoming egg donors with us, so we can help these women as soon as possible and give them the hope of a baby. 

There are two different ways you can donate your eggs to us, either altruistically where you receive £750 compensation per donation cycle, or via egg-sharing. Egg-sharing is for women who need IVF themselves. In return for a cheaper cycle of private IVF treatment with us for £1,000, you share half of the eggs we collect as part of your IVF cycle with our donation programme. 

The same criteria applies for both egg sharers and altruistic egg donors. You must be aged 18-35, a non-smoker in good health and with no genetic or hereditary conditions in your family history. 

All of our egg donors receive the highest standards of care from our clinic team. All of the implications of donating eggs will be discussed with you by our counsellors, and you’ll be supported every step of the way by our dedicated Donation Team

As the UK’s first clinic to achieve Donor Centre of Excellence from the National Gamete Donation Trust – the ‘gold standard’ in donor care - you can be assured of our personal attention at all times. We recognise and value each and every one of our egg donors for the special people they are.

We hope you will consider joining us so we can help the women who are waiting for an egg donor. Please find out more about what’s involved in the process of egg donation and the full criteria for egg donors. If you have any questions, our friendly Patient Advisors are here to help – just call in confidence on 0161 300 2730 or use our live chat facility, available via our homepage during clinic hours. You can also apply online with no obligation.

Egg Donation
Published:30th July 2015
Last updated:26th June 2024

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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