17th September 2016

Become a Manchester Donors Egg Donor: Meet our Team

Egg Donation

As an award-winning egg donor bank, you’re guaranteed only the best care when you become a Manchester Donors egg donor.

Our dedicated donation team supports you every step of the way, working together with our consultants, nurses and laboratory staff across our clinic to ensure your egg donation is a seamless and stress-free experience, from initial application to egg collection and beyond.

Here’s a little bit more about them, and the processes involved, so you know before you apply who’s going to be taking care of you, and what’s going to happen:

Donor Programme Assistants

Our Donor Programme Assistants are the first people you’ll speak to if you’re interested in joining our Manchester Donors egg donor programme. They review your application when you send it to us, and book all your appointments for your health screening tests, which include a urine test and blood test to check your ovarian reserve – the number of eggs you have – so we can make sure you’re suitable to donate.

If all your tests are clear, a Donor Programme Assistant will arrange for you to see one of our fertility consultants. This is where we discuss your medical history as far back as your grandparents, to identify the risk of any hereditary or genetic issues in your family.

You’ll also see one of our specialist counsellors, who will talk you through all the implications of becoming an egg donor.

If all is well to proceed, the Donation Team will help you complete your personal pen portrait and donor profile, ready to be matched. This is the document that our patients are given, to help them decide if you’re the right egg donor for them.

Egg Donor Nurse Co-ordinator

Our Egg Donor Nurse Co-ordinator ensures all your paperwork is accurately completed, including consent forms.

If you’re chosen as an egg donor by one of our patients, the Egg Donor Nurse Co-ordinator prepares your schedule for the medical side of the egg donation process, including tailored ovarian stimulation, monitoring and egg collection. Every stage will be explained to you, with your donation cycle carefully planned and synchronised so your eggs are ready to be used in treatment when your donor needs them.

Nursing Team

Our Nursing team will ensure your wellbeing during the donation process. On the day of donation we’ll be able to tell you how many eggs you have donated. You’ll then be taken to our private ward where our Nursing team will look after you.

You don’t leave our care until we’re happy that you’re well and you’re always given detailed follow-up instructions, including our emergency contact details, before you go home.

You’ll be able to find out if you wish to whether your eggs were used successfully by your recipient, including when the baby was born and its gender.

Find out more

If you’d like to become a Manchester Donors Egg Donor, contact our team on 0161 300 2730 and select option 3 to reach our dedicated Donation Team. Or you can apply online with no obligation. Read more about the egg donation process, along with the criteria to donate eggs to us.

Egg Donation
Published:17th September 2016
Last updated:26th June 2024

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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Manchester Fertility Services Ltd, trading as Egg Donors UK.

Egg Donors UK is the registered trademark of Manchester Fertility Services Ltd. Company #1902981