If you have ever thought about being an egg donor – or know someone who has donated or shared eggs – you might be curious to know if you can do it too.
Here are the three main things that mean you could make a great egg donor:
1. You like to help others
Egg donation is the most personal gift you can ever give. It takes someone truly special to make such an amazing gesture. It’s no surprise that generosity and altruism are common personality traits that many of our egg donors share.
2. You’re in good health
By good health we don’t mean you can run marathons or are always at the gym! What we mean is you have a normal range BMI, are a non-smoker, and are generally fit and well with no history in your family of genetic or hereditary disorders.
Things like BMI and smoking matter because they can both affect your fertility, egg quality and how well you will respond to medications needed for donation. If you currently smoke, you’ll be able to apply after approximately 3 months when you are smoke free.
3. You’re committed
Being an egg donor takes commitment to the process, which can take a few months. We will do our best to make egg donation as convenient as we can for you, including offering some aspects remotely, such as counselling, so it doesn’t interfere with your daily life.
Apply to be an egg donor
If you’re aged 18-35, you could apply to be an egg donor with Manchester Donors. You will receive £985 compensation for time and expenses, or reduced cost IVF if you need fertility treatment yourself and wish to egg share.
Apply online here or call our team on 0161 300 2734 if you have any questions. You can also learn about the egg donation process and read our egg donor FAQs.
Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.
Manchester Fertility Services Ltd, trading as Egg Donors UK.
Egg Donors UK is the registered trademark of Manchester Fertility Services Ltd. Company #1902981
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