8th March 2018

Counselling for Egg Donors

Egg Donation

Do you know that if you apply to donate eggs, you’ll see one of our counsellors? It’s not because we think there’s an issue with your suitability as an egg donor. Counselling is so we can explain all the implications of egg donation which affect you now and in the future.

It’s a serious discussion, but an essential one which has to happen early in the process.

So you can make an informed choice about whether egg donation is really right for you.

Your counselling session

Counselling is nothing to worry about. Our counselling team are friendly, supportive and impartial.

They’re here to provide you with all the information you need to know – even things you may not have thought about yet.

They’ll discuss the many different aspects of egg donation, such as: 

  • Why you’d like to donate eggs 
  • How you feel about someone using your eggs, but that you’ll never meet the recipient or find out who they are 
  • How you’d feel if someone does have a baby with your help
  • What rights you have as an egg donor and what you can find out about treatment outcome using your eggs 
  • What being an ‘identifiable’ egg donor means – donor-conceived people can apply to the HFEA from the age of 18 to find out who their donor is, if they wish to know 
  • That there’s the possibility of contact from a donor-conceived person in the future – but also the equal possibility of no contact as a person may not know they’re donor-conceived or want to find out who you are 
  • What your partner  thinks of your decision to donate – we encourage your partner to be involved in your counselling session too

Your counselling session will be in-depth but we won’t bombard you with information. It’s a completely private, open conversation between you and your counsellor, where you’re free to ask any questions at all.

Anything you don’t understand will always be clarified and explained. Even if you think of things later at home, we’re always happy to chat through things with you as much as you need, so you can be reassured and donate eggs with confidence.

About our counsellors

All our counsellors have in-depth understanding about the effects of egg donation on donors, partners and families.

Our fertility counsellors also help our patients through their fertility treatment, providing professional support and guidance every step of the way.

Remote counselling for convenience

As we welcome egg donors from across the North West and UK, counselling usually happens over Zoom for your  convenience.

Apply to be an egg donor with Manchester Donors

Counselling is just one of the ways we ensure an enjoyable and rewarding egg donation experience. Find out why so many women choose Manchester Donors for egg donation in the North West.

If you’d like to join us and donate eggs, you need to be aged 18-35, a non-smoker and fulfil other health criteria relating to BMI and medical history.Apply online and we’ll be in touch or call us on 0161 300 2734 for a no obligation chat.

Egg Donation
Published:8th March 2018
Last updated:26th June 2024

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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Manchester Fertility Services Ltd, trading as Egg Donors UK.

Egg Donors UK is the registered trademark of Manchester Fertility Services Ltd. Company #1902981