3rd April 2024

Do You Get Paid For Selling Your Eggs In The UK?

Egg Donation Criteria Compensation

As one of the UK’s most successful egg donor banks, we are often asked many questions about how much money donating eggs pays, what pay do egg donors receive from selling eggs and how to sell your eggs. In this blog, we’ll share all the information you need to know about the difference between payment and compensation for donating eggs, and who can become an egg donor.

In the UK, it is illegal to pay someone for their eggs or for any woman to offer her eggs for sale at any price or to the highest bidder, so no ‘buying’ or ‘selling’ eggs is involved when it comes to egg donation.

Unlike other countries such as America, where egg donors can often name a price and typically receive more if they are ‘in demand’ by being attractive and highly educated - in the UK, egg donation is tightly regulated by the HFEA, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority.

Can I sell my eggs?

There is no direct payment for donating eggs in the UK, therefore women cannot sell their eggs. Instead, women who become egg donors will receive £750 compensation for each donation cycle. This covers any expenses for attending each appointment, such as travel costs and any other expenses for time and commitment throughout the process.

Every woman who chooses to be an egg donor receives the same amount of compensation, no matter which egg donor bank you choose or what your physical attributes or characteristics are. Here at Manchester Donors, one of the UK’s leading egg donor banks, every woman is treated with the highest standard of care.

What are the criteria to donate my eggs?

Specific criteria must be met before you can proceed to the next steps of becoming a donor. The following criteria are set by the Human Fertilisation Embryology Authority (HFEA) and Manchester Donors;

  • Aged between 18 and 35
  • Have a BMI (Body Mass Index) between 19 and 35
  • Don’t smoke, or have stopped smoking for at least three months (including the use of e-cigarettes, nicotine gum and any other nicotine-based products)
  • Willing to attend regular appointments
  • Possess a clear medical history with no genetic or hereditary disorders (such as Type 1 Diabetes)
  • Willing to be identifiable to any child born using your eggs, when the child turns 18

Learn more about each of the criteria and why they are crucial to start the egg donation process.

What is the egg donation process?

We understand that researching and considering what egg donation involves is very important before you take that first step in the egg donation process. We want to you to feel fully prepared and comfortable when you begin your donation journey.

We want to make the journey as easy as possible for our donors, that’s why all initial scans and blood tests for egg donation can be done at one of our many UK clinics. We only require you to travel to our HFEA registered clinic for egg collection.  Furthermore, consultations with the doctor and counsellors can be done virtually.

A quick step-by-step guide of how the egg donation process works.

Why are donors compensated and not paid for their eggs?

When choosing to donate your eggs, it is important to understand the difference between being ‘paid’ and being ‘compensated’.

The women who have chosen to become egg donors have generously donated their eggs freely and are not paid for their actual eggs. They are compensated for the time, effort and commitment, taking into account all the various procedures and processes involved in egg donation, in the UK.

Why do women sell their eggs?

Many of our donors are wonderful mothers who could not imagine life without their own children. Others might work in a caring profession, may even know someone going through fertility treatment, or simply want to help others as they may not want children of their own. Each woman has their own reason for making this amazing altruistic decision to help other women. Most of all, they all have a giving and caring nature and simply love to help others reach their dream of having a family.

Some of our donors have been so touched by their experience, they have told us all about their journey through egg donation in the UK and what it meant to them. You can read their accounts on our donor stories page.

How can I donate my eggs?

If you are thinking of becoming an egg donor, we have our own expert egg donation team to help you get started. Our Donor Programme Assistants, Steph, Olivia, and Georgina, are here to talk you through the process, answer any questions and plan your next steps.

As donor programme coordinators, Steph, Georgina and I are likely the first people you will speak to when you apply to become an egg donor. We are here to help you understand the egg donation process from start to finish.

Olivia Falkner, Donor Programme Assistant

Egg Donation Assistants Steph, Olivia and Gina

If you want more information on how to go about donating your eggs in the UK, you can get in touch with us on 0161 300 2734.

Or, if you think you meet the criteria and want to get started today, complete our quick 5-minute application form here.

Published:3rd April 2024
Last updated:16th July 2024
Olivia Falkner
Posted by:

Olivia Falkner

Donor Programme Assistant

After completing her post-graduate degree in Developmental Psychology in September 2020, Olivia worked with older people and people with cognitive impairments. Organised, efficient and highly knowledgeable about all aspects of …

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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