21st October 2016

Egg Donation Costs: Do you Pay to be an Egg Donor?

Egg Donation

Interested in becoming an egg donor in Manchester or Cheshire? You’ll never be asked to pay any kind of egg donation costs when you donate altruistically to Manchester Donors.

As an altruistic egg donor, donating your eggs purely to help someone else to have a baby, you’ll never incur any fees to donate. You’re giving someone the greatest gift they will ever receive; you’ll never be asked to pay any kind of contribution.

What you do get as an altruistic egg donor is £750 compensation per donation cycle. Egg donors in the UK aren’t allowed to be paid for their eggs, instead you are reimbursed for your time and any expenses you incur from being an egg donor.

The £750 compensation is set by the HFEA – the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority.  By paying all egg donors the same fixed amount – no matter which clinic you donate to - the act of egg donation in the UK is never motivated by financial reward.

The only time you will ever have to pay as part of your egg donation cycle is if you are egg-sharing. Egg-sharing is when you need IVF yourself, and you’re prepared to donate half of the eggs we retrieve, not being used for your own treatment cycle, to our donation programme. In return, instead of £750 compensation, you receive your private IVF cycle with us at a special subsidised rate of £1,000.

The same criteria applies to donate eggs to us altruistically and via egg-sharing. You must be aged 18-35, a non-smoker in good health, with no family history of genetic conditions or illnesses.

As a Manchester Donors egg donor and egg-sharer, you’ll receive thorough implications counselling. This is so you understand exactly what being an egg donor means both now and in the future, including the fact that you must agree to be identifiable to any children born using your eggs. Counselling happens early in the process, so we can ensure you’re completely confident to donate eggs before you go any further.

You can be assured that you’ll be supported and cared for by our dedicated Donation Team at every stage, who ensure that your donation process is convenient and stress-free.

You also get to find out if a baby has been born thanks to your generous donation. You can find out the year of the baby’s birth, and its gender.

If you’d consider egg donation with Manchester Donors, discover more about the egg donation process and read our FAQs. If you need IVF and would like to egg-share for cheaper IVF, find out how it works here.

If you’ve got any questions about altruistic egg donation or egg-sharing, we’re happy to help. Just call us on 0161 300 2730. If you’d like to become an egg donor with us, apply online. We’ll review your application form and get back to you.


Egg Donation
Published:21st October 2016
Last updated:26th June 2024

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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