1st February 2018

Egg Donor Process: Things You May Not Know

Egg Donation

Donating eggs is a carefully-planned and tailored process but there’s much more to it than stimulation and egg recovery. Here are some aspects of egg donation that you might not know:

You’re given exceptional medical care

The egg collection process is a medical procedure, which means it’s performed in a sterile procedure room, under the care of our doctors and anaesthetists.

Our clinic procedure rooms are state-of-the-art. You’ll be given a local anaesthetic and oral sedation. so you’re comfortable throughout with a clinical team and dedicated nurses on hand to support you. Your entire donation journey is also planned by a fertility doctor and our fertility nursing team, to ensure your health and wellbeing.

It’s a day procedure – but you’ll need someone to drive you home afterwards

Egg collection is a day-case procedure but it still involves recovery in our private ward afterwards, so we can ensure you’re well. Because a local anaesthetic and oral sedation are used for egg collection, you’re advised not to drive home once we’ve discharged you. You’ll need to arrange alternative transportation.

Your donated eggs are either used immediately or frozen

If you’ve already been matched to a recipient, your donated eggs will be used immediately after recovery. They’ll be taken to our laboratory for assessment and fertilisation.

Donated eggs that aren’t being immediately used are cryopreserved and stored in our lab, for use in treatment cycles where a patient has opted to use frozen donor eggs.

Finding out how many eggs you’ve donated – and if they result in pregnancy or birth

We’ll tell you straight away how many eggs you’ve donated. And later, if you request to find out, we can tell you if your donation has resulted in pregnancy. You have the right to know if a baby is born from your donated eggs, the year of birth and gender.

If pregnancy doesn’t happen, please be assured that it’s not your fault or caused by anything you did or didn’t do. We’ll support you whatever the outcome of your donation. Remember without you, there would be no hope of a family at all.

Donate eggs with Manchester Donors

Interested in being an egg donor? Explore the egg donation process in full, read our FAQs and browse our blog library.

If you’re ready to apply, complete our simple, no-obligation online application form.

As one of the only National Gamete Donation Trust Centre of Excellence for egg donation in the UK, you can be assured of the highest care and personal support.

Egg Donation
Published:1st February 2018
Last updated:26th June 2024

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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