1st March 2018

Egg Donor Testimonial: The Manchester Donors Experience

Egg Donation

Want to know what it’s really like to donate eggs with Manchester Fertility and our award-winning Manchester Donors programme?

We know how reassuring it is to get direct egg donor experiences and hear from those who’ve already donated eggs, when you’re deciding if it’s right for you 

Here’s what one of our recent egg donors had to say about her donation journey with Manchester Fertility and Manchester Donors. She kindly contacted us to let us know how much she valued our support and care. 

Here’s her story, which she allowed us to share:

Initial application

“When I contacted Manchester Fertility about becoming an egg donor I wasn't sure what to expect, it was my first time to do anything like this. I was worried and doubted if I would be accepted. 

“After my initial contact I was asked to come to the clinic for my first appointment…I was excited but also nervous. But I was very quickly assured that I was in good hands and in a very professional environment.”

Valued egg donors, professional support

“From that first appointment I was more than happy to work with the clinic team - everyone is very kind and they make you feel very valued as a person. 

“The whole team is professional yet still it's not the clinical manner you may expect. All of my concerns were addressed and my questions promptly answered, nothing was too much, even when you have to reschedule something last minute.”

Stress-free egg donation process

“The whole process was very easy to follow and the procedure to collect the eggs went without a hitch. 

“I am very glad and humble from this experience because it did give me insight into what some women endure so they can hold their precious baby and be a Mum.

“The whole team is absolutely superb and you can be assured they will make you feel at ease and supported 100% at all times. If I decide to donate again I’ll definitely go back.

Are you eligible to be an egg donor?

Would you like to donate eggs with Manchester Donors too? If you want to be an egg donor you must fulfil certain criteria.

This is to ensure a safe egg donation experience for our donors and healthy, quality eggs for those who need them to conceive.

Egg donor criteria includes:

  • Being aged 18-35: We can’t accept egg donors older than this due to the natural decline of fertility as you age.
  • Having a normal BMI: This is because being obese or underweight can make the egg donation process less effective and increase your risk of complications.
  • Being a non-smoker: You must be a non-smoker or have quit at least three months prior to applying, due to the effects of nicotine on fertility and eggs.
  • Having no history of genetic or hereditary conditions in your family.

If you can meet these criteria, you could apply to be an egg donor with us. 

The egg donor application process

It’s easy and simple to apply to Manchester Donors. Complete our short online application form and we’ll contact you to advise if you’re able to proceed, arranging an initial appointment to have an informal chat with you. You’re under no obligation or pressure at any time. 

You can also read our FAQs, browse our blog and explore the egg donation process

We’re here to help, so contact our dedicated Donation Team on 0161 300 2734 with any of your egg donor queries. As a Centre of Excellence for egg donation in the UK, you’re guaranteed the best supported care from a team that’s dedicated to you.

Egg Donation
Published:1st March 2018
Last updated:26th June 2024

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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