5th May 2017

How Are Egg Donors Matched With Patients?

Egg Donation

Being chosen as someone’s egg donor is one of the best parts of the egg donation process. But how do we match you with patients who need donor eggs? 

Egg donor and recipient patient matching is done by our dedicated Donation Team. When someone comes to us for treatment with donor eggs, they’ll tell our team what ideal characteristics they’d like their egg donor to have. 

So typically they’ll have a ‘wish list’ relating to things like hair colour, eye colour, height, or profession. In most cases, it’s usual for the patient to want physical traits that match her own. 

Your egg donor profile: Your personal ‘pen’ portrait

Our Donation Team will take this information and will browse our egg donor bank to identify any egg donors that closely match. If any have potential, the patient is then given each donor’s full egg donor profile to read through. 

Your egg donor profile is one of the most important parts of your egg donation journey. It’s your story of ‘you’.

It’s your chance to tell someone all about yourself, your interests, beliefs and aspirations. What you do for a living, why you decided to be an egg donor and your outlook on life. You can also include a goodwill message to the person using your eggs, and any child they may have. 

Your egg donor profile is the only piece of information a patient can use, to decide if you’re the egg donor for them. So you’re free to go into as much detail as you’d like, with the exception of any information that could potentially identify you. Remember that anonymity is intact between donors and recipients. It’s why we can’t include any photos of you, including as a baby.

Donor matching: Donation team insight

But what if there are multiple egg donor profiles that appeal to a patient? How do they make that crucial life-changing decision and pick the ‘right’ egg donor for them? 

This is where the personal insight of our dedicated Donation Team is really valued. As they support both egg donors and recipients on their donation and treatment journeys, they get to know you well when you donate eggs with us. And so can help guide our patients in their choice.

The great news is that you do get the opportunity to find out if your recipient was successful in her treatment using your eggs. Our team can advise the outcome of recipient treatment, and as an egg donor you do have the right to find out the year of the baby’s birth and its gender.

Become an egg donor with Manchester Donors

If you’re considering egg donation – whether altruistically or through egg-sharing – find out more about what’s involved. 

Explore our blog resource, egg donation FAQs and learn more about the egg donor process. If you’d like to apply, just complete our simple online application form and we’ll get back to you. You’re under no obligation, it’s just so we can see if you meet the criteria to be an egg donor, which includes being aged 18-35 and a non-smoker. 

If you’d like to have a chat with us, speak to our Donation Team on 0161 300 2734.

Egg Donation
Published:5th May 2017
Last updated:26th June 2024

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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