30th May 2024

How Egg Donation Helps LGBT+ Families

Egg Donation LGBT+ Community

This June is LGBT+ Pride Month, an international time of celebration that aims to honour the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer individuals all around the world. 

We'd like to take the opportunity to celebrate the way egg donation, and our incredible donors impact the lives of LGBT+ people. While also sharing helpful information for those who may be considering donating but need clarification on the criteria or if they are eligible. 

What treatments might LGBT+ people use donor eggs for?

Our donors provide hope for many people, allowing them to achieve their dream of growing their families. The eggs they donate can be used in a range of treatments, but the most common are:

IVF or In-vitro Fertilisation using Donor Eggs: IVF treatment is a technique where fertilisation takes place outside the body. During the IVF treatment process, if a patient uses donor eggs, they are mixed with sperm in an embryology laboratory. They are then placed in a specialist incubator before a trained embryologist selects the best embryo for transfer, and treatment can proceed.

Members of the LGBT+ community, such as transgender or non-binary people, may consider IVF with Donor Eggs if they have medically transitioned and can no longer use their own eggs for treatment. People in same-sex female relationships and single women of any sexual orientation may also require donor eggs for IVF treatment if their own egg quality or quantity isn't suitable.

Surrogacy: Surrogacy is becoming an increasingly accessible fertility treatment for those who otherwise could not carry a pregnancy. This includes same-sex male couples, many queer or transgender people, and those who may have experienced recurrent pregnancy loss or failed IVF cycles to start their families. Full surrogacy may require donor eggs to make embryos for the surrogacy treatment if the intended parent(s) involved in the surrogacy process cannot use their own eggs for treatment.

Many LGBT+ people need donor eggs for fertility treatments, such as same-sex male couples, those who have undergone HRT or gender affirmation surgery, same-sex female couples and single people who are still a valued part of the community.

We understand the unique struggle people in the LGBT+ community face when it comes to starting, or completing, their families. It's a common reason many of our donors want to become egg donors, as many have friends or family members of the LGBT+ community who plan to have fertility treatment using donor gametes. Some donors belong to the community and would like to support others like them on their journey to parenthood.

Whatever the reason, at Manchester Donors, we welcome egg donors from all backgrounds, regardless of their sexual orientation or personal pronouns – in line with guidance from HFEA, the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority. Those who are part of the LGBT+ community are always welcome to donate eggs with us.

Can transgender or non-binary people donate their eggs?

People who are transgender may be eligible to donate their eggs. However, if they have already started HRT, also known as hormone replacement therapy, it can affect the quality of their eggs - making it unlikely that they would pass our eligibility criteria. However, for transgender people who are yet to undergo HRT or gender affirmation surgery, donating may still be possible, so long as they are in good health. Regardless of their background, all we ask from our donors is their dedication to the donation process and that they meet a few simple criteria. 

We've had many transgender and non-binary people choose to donate with us including Beck, a non-binary donor who has agreed to share their donation journey on our Egg Donor Stories page to inspire others who are considering becoming a donor.

It is worth noting that donor-conceived people may request identifying information about their donors once they reach the age of 18, including their name and previous names, which may inadvertently reveal that their donor has gender transitioned. We would always ensure any donors who have transitioned are comfortable with this before they proceed with their donation.

What criteria must an LGBT+ egg donor meet?

We want to assure all potential egg donors that who they love or their gender identity will never impact their ability to donate. As such, our LGBTQ+ donors must meet the same criteria as our non-LGBTQ+ donors.

Egg Donor Criteria:

  • Aged between 18 – 35
  • Have a BMI between 19 – 35
  • Be a non-smoker or have stopped smoking for at least three months (including the use of e-cigarettes, nicotine gum and nicotine patches)
  • Willing to attend regular clinic appointments (including counselling)
  • Willing to be identifiable to any child born using your eggs
  • Be able to provide a detailed family medical history - including children, siblings, parents and grandparents

This year, if you're a member of the LGBT+ community and you've been considering donating, there's no better time than Pride Month! Donating your eggs could provide an invaluable gift to someone ready to start a family. If you've been considering becoming a donor, we encourage you to apply online today or contact Steph and Olivia in our dedicated donation team on 0161 300 2734 for more advice on the egg donation process

Published:30th May 2024
Last updated:16th July 2024
Steph Lynch
Posted by:

Steph Lynch

Donor Programme Assistant

She enjoys providing donors with personal support and care. With a pharmaceutical background, Steph's organisational skills and exceptional patient care ensure that all donors can look forward to a stress-free …

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Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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