16th February 2017

How Many Times Can I Donate Eggs?

Egg Donation

There was a story in the news recently about a UK woman who has donated eggs five times, helping to create six babies for infertile couples.

Encouraging other women to donate eggs too, the article raised some interesting questions. Not just how many times a woman candonate eggs, but how many times she should donate eggs.

At Manchester Donors we’re fortunate that many women who donate to us once decide they wish to do so again. This is thanks to the outstanding care and personal support we give to all of our egg donors. We’ve been told we make the egg donation experience ‘wonderful’ and egg donor care is something we’re very passionate about.

But whilst we always need more egg donors in Manchester, Cheshire and from across the North West region, we don’t actively encourage multiple egg donation cycles from the same donor.

This is because egg donation – whilst very safe at Manchester Donors – does carry risks to the donor.

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) can be one of the side-effects of egg donation, when the ovaries ‘over respond’ to fertility drugs and produce too many eggs. Although mild in nature, on very rare occasions it can be serious. Infection after the egg collection procedure is also a risk.

At Manchester Donors we very effectively reduce any risks for our egg donors, through tailored fertility medications bespoke to each of our egg donors, thorough monitoring during stimulation phase and high standards of care and follow-up to prevent infection after egg collection.

If one of our egg donors wishes to donate again, we’ll look at it on a case-by-case basis, to make sure that her health or wellbeing won’t be compromised in any way.

We certainly don’t require our egg donors to donate lots of times. We do not need to build up a supply of donor eggs from one specific egg donor. Our patients have the choice of fresh or frozen donor eggs from our donor egg bank, and an extensive choice of egg donors to help them have a baby.

Our priority is always the wellbeing of our egg donors above all else - it’s why we were the first clinic in the UK to become a National Gamete Donation Trust Centre of Excellence for egg donation and a preferred referral clinic for women interested in egg donation. It’s your reassurance that you’ll only ever be in the safest of hands.

If you’d like to know more about egg donation with Manchester Donors, read our FAQs, find out about egg donor criteria, and the egg donation process.

If you’d like to apply, complete our quick and easy initial application form and our dedicated Donation Team will come back to you.

If you’ve got any questions about being an egg donor, our friendly team can also help on 0161 300 2734.

Or come and meet us at next month’s Fertility Show at Manchester Central (25-26 March). Our team will be there to help you with any enquiries you have about donating eggs altruistically or through egg-sharing for reduced-cost IVF.

Book your tickets here.

Egg Donation
Published:16th February 2017
Last updated:26th June 2024

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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