10th August 2017

Is Egg Donation Safe?

Egg Donation

Some of the most common questions we’re asked about egg donation relate to the safety of fertility medications, the process and procedures needed.

You can be reassured of a safe and positive egg donation experience with Manchester Fertility when you join our Manchester Donors programme – because of the high level of personal care that we give to all our egg donors and patients:

The egg donation process: Consultant-led care

As an egg donor you receive consultant-led care. Which means your egg donation journey is planned by one of our specialist fertility doctors, to minimise any risks to you.

Every stage of your egg donation journey – from fertility testing and health checks to ovarian stimulation and egg collection procedure in theatre – is expertly and carefully tailored to you, prioritising your health and wellbeing at all times.

Fertility medications: Effective and safe

Egg donation uses the same fertility medications that women take in IVF. We’ll use tailored doses of medications for a safe ovarian response, just as we do for our IVF patients, monitoring your health and wellbeing throughout stimulation phase to check you’re responding as you should.

Our fertility nurses will teach you how to administer your medications, and are always available to you for further help and guidance.

We never use high stimulation protocols for our egg donors to result in higher numbers of mature eggs. This impacts on egg quality as well as putting your own health at risk. We only use the minimal doses of medications that you need, based on your fertility test results.

Egg retrieval in theatre 

Once your scans indicate your eggs are ready for retrieval, we’ll perform egg collection in our clinic theatre. We follow the same strict protocols and health regulations that you’d find in a hospital during any surgical procedure.

You’ll be under the care of our anaesthetist, nurses and fertility consultant who will perform the retrieval. You’ll be given light sedation to make sure you’re comfortable and relaxed; your eggs are then gently retrieved using camera guidance, just as we do for our IVF patients.


Our egg donors receive the same thorough follow-up as fertility clinic patients who’ve had a procedure. We’ll take you to our private ward for observation to ensure you’re well, and will be given full discharge instructions including our emergency out-of-hours contact details.

We’ll be in touch with you personally to check your wellbeing in the days after retrieval.

Join Manchester Donors: Anaward-winning donor egg bank

Find out why so many women trust and choose Manchester Donors for egg donation in Manchester, Cheshire, Liverpool and the North. If you’re aged 18-35, apply online to donate eggs with us or have a chat to our friendly Donation Team on 0161 300 2734.


Egg Donation
Published:10th August 2017
Last updated:26th June 2024

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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