27th October 2022

Manchester Donors Supports National Fertility Awareness Week 2022

Egg Donation Fertility General News


National Fertility Awareness Week runs from 31 October to 4 November 2022.  As one of the country's leading egg donation clinics, the team here at Manchester Donors sees first-hand how treatment with donor eggs changes people's lives. That's why we strive to raise awareness about the importance of egg donors and why we are supporting the Fertility Network this National Fertility Awareness week.

What is National Fertility Awareness Week? 

National Fertility Awareness Week is organised by Fertility Network UK, a charitable organisation that aims to change perceptions around infertility and offers support and information to those who need it. This year, it will run from 31 October to 4 November 2022. For our part, Manchester Donors wants to raise awareness of the rising demand for donor eggs and why we encourage more donors to come forward.

How Does Your Donation Make a Difference?

Our egg donors may choose to donate for a range of different reasons. It is often an act of great empathy, as they may know someone who has struggled with their fertility or starting a family. Even if they're not donating eggs as a known donor, knowing they helped someone in need is such a rewarding feeling. More women are now using egg donors to have a baby, and there are many reasons for this. Some of the most common reasons are age-related fertility, ovulatory problems, medical treatment or genetic conditions.

We're in a privileged position at Manchester Donors to partner with Manchester Fertility, which has brought more than 7,000 babies into the world. Over 3,000 births took place from 2015 to the present day - that's a lot of miracles in less than a decade! But did you know 23% of those births were only possible because of our incredible donors?

How Can I Get Involved? 

This National Fertility Awareness Week, we want to encourage women between the ages of 18 and 35, who are generally fit and healthy, to apply to be egg donors. Without the invaluable gift you provide, we wouldn't be able to do our great work. If you want inspiration, head to our donor stories page, where you will find real-life stories of egg donors or discover 5 reasons to become an egg donor on our blog.

We have supported egg donors for over 35 years and understand how significant the egg donation journey can be. If you're interested in becoming an egg donor, apply online today. Or contact our team at 0161 300 2734 for more advice on the egg donation process.

Published:27th October 2022
Last updated:26th June 2024
Olivia Falkner
Posted by:

Olivia Falkner

Donor Programme Assistant

After completing her post-graduate degree in Developmental Psychology in September 2020, Olivia worked with older people and people with cognitive impairments. Organised, efficient and highly knowledgeable about all aspects of …

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Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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