10th May 2017

OHSS Cases ’Cover-up’: Are Egg Donors at Risk?

Egg Donation

The Daily Mail’s on-going investigation into the fertility industry alleges that many clinics are under-reporting severe cases of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS).

OHSS is a potential side effect of IVF and egg donation, and develops when the ovaries over-respond to the fertility drugs used to stimulate egg production. Although usually mild, in rare cases OHSS can be very serious.

OHSS occurs not because of an issue with the types of fertility drugs used, which are proven to be safe, but the doses used and the body’s reaction to it.

This means that your risk of OHSS can actually be significantly reduced with the right approach, and at Manchester Donors we effectively eliminate your risk of developing the condition through a personalised approach, which includes:

Initial testing – identifying your risk

Some women are more sensitive to fertility drugs and are therefore more likely to develop OHSS. Our thorough screening tests when you apply to be an egg donor means we can identify if you’re at greater risk, such as if you have polycystic ovaries. We’ll then look at whether a revised protocol means you can continue with the egg donation process. You’ll never be allowed to donate eggs with us if it’s likely to compromise your health.

Consultant-led care

All egg donors receive expert consultant-led care at Manchester Donors. You’ll see one of our specialist fertility consultants, who will review all of your medical history and plan every stage of your donation journey.

Personalised fertility drugs protocols

At Manchester Donors we use only the minimal medication doses, tailored exactly to you to ensure a safe ovarian response. We identify the right medication and dose for you following your initial screening tests, which examine things like your ovarian reserve (number of eggs remaining) and your hormone levels.

A focus on quality eggs – not quantity

Although you’re donating eggs, we actually don’t want you to produce lots of eggs. As this would put your own health at risk, and the egg quality would be poor. It’s why we don’t use high stimulation protocols. The best outcome is a small number of good quality eggs for donation, and our tailored medications are designed to achieve this whilst safeguarding your health and wellbeing.

Monitoring during stimulation phase

You’ll see our team regularly during stimulation, so we can keep an eye on how you’re responding at all times. We’ll be able to identify even the very earliest signs of OHSS, and can take the necessary action and treatment.

Egg donation in Cheshire and Manchester: Make an informed choice

All our egg donors are advised on the risks of egg donation including OHSS upon application, so you can decide if it’s right for you.

During donation you’ll be given detailed OHSS signs and symptoms advice, and our 24/7 helpline number for if you’re ever concerned. Remember that in the very rare event you develop OHSS, it’s typically a very mild condition. But it’s one that we can successfully avoid, through our careful and considered approach to egg donation.

Speak to our dedicated Donation Team to discover more about our award-winning egg donation programme on 0161 300 2734.

Egg Donation
Published:10th May 2017
Last updated:26th June 2024

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Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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