13th May 2024

Support systems for egg donors: Navigating the emotional aspects of donation

Egg Donation General Counselling

Donating your eggs to help someone become a parent is an incredibly altruistic act of kindness. However, such a decision requires careful consideration, especially when it comes to its emotional significance.  

We are committed to ensuring your well-being from the moment you express your interest in donating your eggs. With over 35 years of experience, our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and guidance at every step of your donation journey. We want you to feel secure and confident, knowing that you are in safe hands.

Why do egg donors need emotional support?

Donors often experience many emotions, ranging from altruism and fulfilment to uncertainty and reflection.  The decision to donate eggs can evoke questions about identity, family, and the profound impact of one's contribution to another's life. Everyone is different, so our team is fully prepared to support you with what level of support you may need.

What support is available for donors?

Our dedicated donation team, fertility consultants, nursing team, and counsellors will be by your side throughout your egg donation journey. They'll support you at every stage, so you enjoy a safe and rewarding experience.

Donation Team:

Your emotional wellbeing is paramount from the moment you take your first steps to become a donor. Once you complete your online application form, our dedicated egg donation team will help you throughout the next stages of becoming  an egg donor. This includes an in-depth telephone call from our team to help you understand the implications of becoming a donor.  

Fertility Consultants:

Our experienced fertility consultants will review your family medical history and ensure there are no genetic conditions that could affect the egg recipient or any child born as a result of your donation. We’re here to help you work through your medical history with empathy and compassion.

Nursing Team:

Our nursing team is here to guide you through the process of administering your medication in preparation for egg collection. They understand that the decisions you've made, along with the necessary medication to mature your eggs, may influence your hormones and emotions. Rest assured, they'll be available to support you every step of the way through this period.


During the counselling session, our trained experts, who are both knowledgeable and deeply empathetic about the emotional aspects of egg donation, will talk you through how to prepare emotionally for your donation, your decision to donate and your wider support system for the donation process. They understand your journey and are here to listen and support you. 

For your convenience and comfort, our counselling sessions are conducted virtually. This means that no matter where you are in the UK, you can easily access the support you need during your egg donation journey without needing to travel or experience additional stress.

And remember, donation only goes ahead when you are fully prepared and 100% happy to donate your eggs.

What will be discussed at a counselling session?

During your counselling session, you can ask any questions you want - it is your time to cover what you want to know.  However, common topics include:  

  • Your emotional response to the possibility of the recipient having a baby using your eggs.
  • Considerations regarding potential future contact from donor-conceived individuals born with your eggs and any associated concerns.
  • Understanding your role as an egg donor, acknowledging the genetic connection to any resulting child while recognising your lack of legal parenthood and related obligations.
  • Soliciting perspectives from your family, particularly in cases involving existing children, partners, or parents, regarding their feelings about your decision to assist in creating a child with whom you share a biological link but may never meet.

“Emotional support is crucial in egg donation. Our role as counsellors is to provide a safe space, guidance, and practical help to navigate the journey. We aim to empower donors, fostering fulfilment and confidence in their decisions to help create families.”

Ann Curley, Lead Fertility Counsellor


Post donation support

While donations are made anonymously and recipient patients will only know non-identifying details such as hair and eye colour or height, any donor-conceived child can contact the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) once they reach 18 years old and obtain further details.

Our Donor Programme Assistants will continue to support you after the donation should you have any more questions or wish to donate with us again.

How to become an egg donor

If you want to help someone experience the joy of being a parent, you can apply to become an egg donor via our online form. If you want to discuss donation support further, you can call our fantastic donor team directly on 0161 300 2734 or request a callback online.

Published:13th May 2024
Last updated:26th June 2024
Ann Curley
Posted by:

Ann Curley

Lead Fertility Counsellor

Her personal experience lends a unique perspective, enabling her to empathise deeply with potential egg donors and provide invaluable support throughout their journey. Ann is a respected member of both …

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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