28th December 2017

Thank You, Manchester Donors Egg Donors!

Egg Donation

As 2017 comes to an end we’d like to say a huge heartfelt thank you to our amazing egg donors, past and present.

We’ve welcomed lots of new egg donors this year, whose donations have ensured many Manchester Fertility patients will soon be meeting their new babies.

Because this Christmas, Manchester Donors egg donors really are giving the ‘gift of life’.

When you donate eggs, you give the hope of a family to someone with infertility. Right now, many of our patients are celebrating the festive season with children they never thought possible.

Egg donors: Helping infertile women to conceive

We help women in all circumstances who need donor eggs to conceive. Women who have diagnosed conditions such as Premature Menopause or women who have waited for the right partner or time to have a family, and it just hasn’t happened. Or women left infertile because of medical treatment.

Using donor eggs is never an easy decision to make, but thanks to our egg donors, our patients have the reassurance that help to conceive is available straight away – we don’t have a waiting list for donor eggs.

If you apply to be an egg donor now, you won’t start donating eggs yet, as there are a number of different processes to complete first including health screening, doctor consultation andcounselling. But by next Christmas, you may have changed someone’s life. 

Could you be someone’s ‘perfect’ egg donor?

To donate eggs it doesn’t matter what you look like, what job you do or whether you’ve already had children. What does matter is your health and your age. There’s strict criteria for egg donors to ensure your own health and wellbeing, which includes being aged 18-35, a non-smoker, with a normal range BMI.

Apply today with no obligation or call our team on0161 300 2734, there’s no pressure at any time.

As one of the only donor programmes in the UK to be named a National Gamete Donation Trust Centre of Excellence, you can be reassured that we’ll support you every step of the way, making sure that your decision to donate is right for you.

Egg Donation
Published:28th December 2017
Last updated:26th June 2024

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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