29th March 2018

Why Are So Many Women Using Donor Eggs?

Egg Donation

Latest 2016 HFEA figures have shown that donor egg treatments have soared in recent years, thanks to greater awareness of donor eggs as an option amongst all types of patients.

Donor eggs are now being used not only by older women but same-sex couples and single women too, who are opting for donor eggs together with donor sperm to conceive.

According to the HFEA, ‘double donor’ cycles using donor eggs and sperm have increased by a massive 261% since 2009, with women under 35 the biggest age group having this treatment.

It all means that donor eggs are more in demand than ever – so if you’ve ever thought about being an egg donor, there’s never been a better time to apply.

Who will I be matched with if I donate eggs?

When you donate with Manchester Donors, your donated eggs will be used to help someone who is having treatment at our Manchester Fertility clinic.

We welcome couples, same-sex couples and single women from all walks of life, creating families using a range of fertility treatments, donor eggs and donor sperm from our own donor programmes.

You’ll be matched with someone who’s looking for an egg donor that has your characteristics. They’ll then be given your donor profile to read through, so they can be sure you’re the egg donor for them.

We can’t provide any photographs of you at any age due to anonymity rules – patients and egg donors are anonymous to each other - so a detailed profile is essential.  It’s your personal story written by you, that gives patients real insight into who you are, your personality and your motivations for egg donation.

Finding out if your donated eggs are successful

Many of our donors like to know if treatment is successful. As the donor you can find out if a baby has been born, the year of birth and gender.

And in future years, the child can find out about you too. The goodwill message you write to a child as part of your profile is a valuable part of this, helping your recipient explain origins and all about the wonderful egg donor who helped them have their family. If the child wants to know more, they can find out who you are via the HFEA’s Register when they turn 18.

Apply to be an egg donor

We’ll take you through all the implications of egg donation and things you need to consider before donating eggs at the start of the process.

Explore a typical egg donation journey and read what an egg donor testimonial to find out what it’s like to donate eggs with us. If you’d like to apply, complete our online application form.

You must be aged 18-35 and fulfil other medical criteria including being a non-smoker in good health, with knowledge of your family’s medical history in relation to genetic or hereditary conditions.

If you’ve got any questions, we’re happy to help. Browse our FAQs or call our dedicated Donation Team on 0161 300 2734.


Egg Donation
Published:29th March 2018
Last updated:26th June 2024

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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Egg Donors UK is the registered trademark of Manchester Fertility Services Ltd. Company #1902981