6th September 2017

Worried about Donating Eggs and Taking Medications? Our Support and Care

Egg Donation

Are you put off donating eggs because you’re worried the process will be uncomfortable? Or are you afraid of taking fertility medications?

You don’t need to be anxious about any part of the egg donation process when you become a Manchester Donors egg donor. Our dedicated clinic team is here to personally support you at every stage, including teaching you how to safely and correctly administer your medications.

Here’s what you need to know about taking fertility drugs to be an egg donor, and what you can expect to happen next:

Egg donation: Self-injection of fertility medications

Fertility drugs are essential to the egg donation process, they are what makes egg donation possible. The medications stimulate your ovaries to produce mature eggs for donation. The drugs you’re prescribed and their doses are tailored exactly to you as part of your consultant-led care, so you can be reassured of a safe egg donation journey that prioritises your health and wellbeing.

Taking your medication does involve self-administering your drugs via injection, but there’s no need to worry about getting it wrong. Our fertility nursing team provides injection teaching to all our egg donors, so you can safely inject yourself at the right time with the correct dose. 

If you need support once you’re at home, we’re always available to guide you and provide assistance over the phone.

Monitoring egg donors

Once you start taking your fertility medications, you’ll be carefully monitored by our team and undergo regular ultrasound and blood tests at our clinic, to ensure your ovaries are responding normally as we expect. Our thorough monitoring – and tailored drug protocols- very effectively reduce your risk of developing Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS), a potential side-effect of stimulation which is usually mild but can be serious in rare cases.

Egg collection procedure

Egg retrieval only happens when your eggs are mature enough. It’s performed under light sedation so you’re comfortable, in our clinic theatre under the care of a highly trained theatre team including anaesthetists.

Afterwards you may feel tired, bloated, and have some mild abdominal pain or light spotting. This is all normal after egg collection.

Our nurses will take care of you on our private ward, you’ll only be discharged if we’re satisfied you are well. We’ll give you full discharge instructions so you know what to expect when you’re home, and how to contact us in an emergency if you’re worried.

Although you can return to your normal routine after egg collection, you may wish to take it easy - many of our egg donors plan a day or two of rest.

We’ll follow up with you in the days after egg donation to ensure you’re well, and are here for you anytime you need us.

Manchester Donors: Personal support and care for a positive egg donation experience

Find out more about the Manchester Donors award-winning difference and how we make the egg donation journey ‘wonderful’. It’s why so many women choose to donate eggs with us, ensuring no waiting lists for our patients who need donor eggs.


Apply online to be an egg donor with no obligation, or chat to our dedicated Donation Team on 0161 300 2734 to explore being an egg donor.

Egg Donation
Published:6th September 2017
Last updated:26th June 2024

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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