19th October 2017

Your Story of You: Writing Your Egg Donor Profile & What to Include

Egg Donation

Writing your egg donor profile is one of the most personal and exciting parts of the egg donation process. It’s where you get to tell potential recipients of your eggs all about you as a person.

But what are you meant to write? Your profile is designed to help someone decide if you’re the egg donor for them. It’s your story of ‘you’, entirely in your own words.

You’ll be invited to write your egg donor profile once we’ve carried out all of the required screening tests.

What can go into your egg donor profile

There are lots of great details you can include in your egg donor profile, which will give those who are looking for an egg donor a good insight into who you are and whether you’re a match for them. Such as:

  • About your family – do you have children, a partner, brothers or sisters
  • Why you decided to become an egg donor
  • What you hope for someone who uses your eggs
  • What you do for a living and why you chose this career
  • Your outlook on life
  • What kind of a person you are
  • A goodwill message to a donor-conceived child – this is important to include as it may be given to a child one day when parents explain genetic origins

All the basic information about you – such as height, weight, age, hair and eye colour are already automatically included in your profile.

What can’t go into an egg donor profile

Although it’s tempting to go into a lot of detail to help someone make their choice, there are some things you can’t include in your egg donor profile.

We’re not allowed to include any information in your profile that could identify who you are, which may include:

  • Information about where you work
  • The area you live
  • Photographs (at any age)
  • Date of birth

Anonymity is intact between egg donor and recipient – it’s only donor-conceived children born through your eggs that have the right to find out who you are, if they wish to, when they turn 18 years old.

Support when writing your profile

Writing your egg donor profile can sometimes be difficult,  but don’t worry, we’re here to help guide you if you’re not sure what to say.

Once you’re happy with your egg donor profile, you’ll be able to be matched with potential recipient patients who have been looking for an egg donor just like you.

Apply online to donate your eggs

If you’d like to be an egg donor with our award-winning programme, you must be aged 18-35 and fulfil other health criteria. Explore the requirements of egg donation and learn more about theprocess.

If you’d like to apply, complete our simple online egg donor application form and our Donation Team will come back to you to discuss next steps. You can also call us on 0161 300 2734 if you have any questions.

Egg Donation
Published:19th October 2017
Last updated:26th June 2024

Ready to get started?

Transform a life, by creating one. Become an egg donor today.

Please Note: We only accept egg donors aged between 18 and 35. Initial enquiry must be prior to 36th birthday.

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